30 January 2015 // Sanne Schrijver //Amersfoort


“Sometimes a visual journal can say more about an author than any words” – Jean-Baptiste Sinniger

 Jean-Baptiste Sinninger is an art-director and photographer based in Paris. He caught my attention because of his eye for colors and composition, his images plays with close-ups and form. Beautifully imaginative and realistic at the same time. Sinniger finds beauty in an environment that is not necessarily beautiful. His settings are perfectly chosen, they make you feel warm and mellow. It’s the type of photography that makes you want to pick up a camera and shoot what’s around you.

He  shoots on a Canon F-, a Canon AF35 ML and a Minolta Dynax 7000i; the only digital camera he touches is his iPhone. Sinniger’s shots travel through the streets of New York, the suburbs of Paris and Scandinavian countryside’s.

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