08 October 2015 // Sanne Schrijver //Amersfoort


Frank Horvat is an internationally renowned fashion and documentary photographer, who has celebrated almost seventy years of experience in the field. Throughout these years he has not been afraid to experiment and adapt to new technologies. Paris Fashion Week is ending by this week and it had to remind me of Horvat’s French fashion photography. It’s perhaps the most elegant and recognizable, features designers such as Chanel, Givenchy and Balenciaga. But he is as well known for his spontaneity and empathy, qualities that express themselves in his sophisticated documentary photography.

 "In almost 70 years of photography, I had the time to photograph many different subjects, with at least a dozen of different techniques. But that's almost beside the point. The point is I had the time to play many different games." - Frank Horvat Frank Horvat is the first photographer to create his own IPad application called “Horvatland”. Sixty-five years of photography, or a trip through the mind of Horvat, which includes more than 2000 images and offers an innovative and more personal way to freely explore his work.


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