23 March 2015 // Yun Sudrajat //Amsterdam

//Project de Nollen


Den Helder is not the first place coming into mind when one thinks of art or architecture, but ‘Project de Nollen’ proves the contrary. Dutch painter/sculptor/architect/performer R.W. van de Wint was a student at the Rijksacademy in Amsterdam from 1961 till 1966 and participated in the 1977 edition of Documenta. In 1980 he started with ‘Project de Nollen”, where the artist uses the beautiful dunes landscape as his gallery space, construing a fascinating world that consists of subliminal sculptures and marvelous architectonic structures. The open air museum was closed during the winter, but it will open again during the spring and summer seasons, starting from the first of April. Check the pictures and link below for more information.


link: www.projectdenollen.nl

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