24 May 2016 // Serena Asselman //Rotterdam
Always a bridesmaid never a bride (a well known slogan of mouthwash advertisement from 1925). Luckily not in my story, but a fascinating story anyway. Where did bridesmaids come from, I asked myself, and where did they go? Do people need them, or is it just because it looks cute on the most important day in a womans life? The origin of the bridesmaids tradition is unknown, developed out of the need for witnesses to a wedding under civil law, is the most logical explanation. Bridesmaids are members of the brides party in a wedding, typically young woman that are close friends or sisters, by preference they're unwed and of marriageable age. They can carry the rings, catch the flowers and for fill other tasks like; keeping the bride comfortable and carry the train of her dress. Of course look awesome in a dress picked by the bride, that probably does not fit her body type. My conclusion, they can be handy, but as a bride you can influence their look as no other so keep it classy!
Bridesmaids dresses or total looks fascinate me the most, they are not there to outshine the bride but to compliment the bride, think Pippa on the wedding of her sister marrying the prince of Great Britain. Often you see one dress shape in one color made for all of the brides party, not always successful if you ask me. In my search for some awesome bridal party’s I ran into incredible looking maids. Some dressed in pink, some carrying flower arrangements in baskets, silk organza, tulle, pink, light blue and sometimes even red or white, short vials with beautiful silk roses on top of their hats, so much various looks true all the years that people are getting married. I didn't have bridesmaids, and I regret it looking at these pictures. Don’t think my friends, nieces and sister think the same way though.