12 September 2014 // Serena Asselman //Rotterdam


“I just adore shoes


Her photos on the wall tell a life story, oma Roos Florines' grandmother 81 years of age. A creative woman that loves to paint and lives to shop. She loves to buy clothes and explains she has a shoe addiction, she just adores shoes! Her home is well organized, her scarf’s lie folded and color coordinated on a shelf above the coat rack. Her interior has many styles and colors but it matches well together.

Roos tells us about the paintings on the wall, a few are portraits of her made by an old friend, Roos was wearing a kimono her husband brought her from Asia on one of his travels. Roos makes paintings herself, ‘there was a time I was into birds’ she says standing in her bedroom surrounded by small paintings of all kinds of exotic birds. Her paintings make her house personal, stepping in to her hallway you can see immediately that Roos is a colorful happy lady.It is nice to see that Roos has a busy and social life, she seems to enjoy herself to the max, her husband passed away almost 8 years ago but Roos lives on.

She attends art courses, goes shopping every week and meets up with her friends to drink coffee. She’s also attending an i-pad class in a few weeks; she keeps herself updated and modern this way. Isn’t it a dream to grow old like this, after meeting with Roos I can say beauty and wisdom comes with the years. Oma Roos thanks for the lovely lunch and the great stories, you are a great inspiration. 

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