26 February 2016 // Simcha van Helden //Rotterdam



This week we’d like to introduce you to Saskia Noor van Imhoff (1982) Fascinated by systems and how we, but most specifically musea, archive objects, recently graduated artist Saskia Noor van Imhoff is resystemizing the system. Her research into archiving and various methods of conserving brought Van Imhoff to the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Van Imhoff was fascinated by the fact that they archive their inquiry on measurements and material quality and not based on the art historical period or content. With this way of archiving the value of the work is completely vanished, inspired by this fact she asked the Stedelijk to archive her graduation work via their archiving system. Van Imhoff processed the archiving step by step. Van Imhoff used the photos of her archived work in her installations herby questioning the originality of her work. By (re)systemizing the objects an interesting play occurs within the value of the work. The way she plays with systemizing and ordering objects create amazing new installations. In her in situ presentation in the Stedelijk she uses the space of the exhibition and plays with the concept of the room. What is outside becomes inside and vice versa. The vibrant colors and great perspex plates perfectly display the fun Van Imhoff has replacing and revaluating her own work. This revaluating of systematics doesn’t only apply within a museum but her installation triggers looking at our surroundings in general.

Van Imhoff’s work is on show in the Stedelijk Museum till the 8th of May and in the Appel Arts Centre till the 10th of April.


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