10 May 2017 // Florine van Rees //Rotterdam



Having family in France means visiting and travelling places to see them every once in a while.

January was the time to visit my brother and his girlfriend in Mer, a small town in the Loire area, where a lot of castles can be visited. During summer there is a lot of biking, camping and hiking in the area, but in winter time is is completely empty. The small village felt like a ghost town - especially with my brothers' house across a cemetery and the frost clearly visible on the leaves. The environment is beautiful though, even in this melancholic state. Desolated nature, silent water and no intense colour to be seen. 



In Februari me, my younger brother and my parents visited my older brother and his family in the south of France, and took the opportunity to do some skiing and take a beautiful roadtrip to the small mountain village Auron. The time of carnaval had just passed and some souvenirs were stored for next year, having someting tragic over them. The village of Auron felt oldskool, especially the hotel we were staying at with the colour palette chosen for the terrasses. 



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