11 September 2014 // Sanne Schrijver //Amersfoort


 “One cannot describe one’s self with a still life. Still life’s are simply endnotes, pointing towards something too theatrical to be directed by human flesh.”  - Collier Schorr


Collier Schorr (born 1963) is an American artist / photographer. In 2009 she published the book “Blumen”, consists of 104 pages with 50 installations. This work (made between 2005 – 2008) is an examination of how common items of everyday life, like domestic objects and flowers, take centre stage in dramatic still life. Objects and nature create dialogues in the landscape they belong to.

Schorr’s florals are a perplexing mix of nature and artifice. Some images are staged out in meadows of grasses and wildflowers against clear blue skies. The centre of attention are the flowers, constructed with thin sticks and strings. Like flies trapped in a spider web, suspended in the air, disconnected from the ground and tangled with wires.

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